12th December 2019 – Assessing Bioavailability Enabling Technologies using Upperton Pharma Solutions Screening Platform – UpperSolv™+

News 12th December 2019 – Assessing Enabling Technologies using the UpperSolv™+ Screening Platform for Increasing Bioavailability Currently approximately 9 out of 10 new drugs entering clinical trials will fail before reaching approval. Many of these drugs will fail due to problems with ADME (absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion) rather than lack of efficacy. One of … Read more

Using Spray Drying to Develop Inhaled Dosage Forms

Pulmonary delivery is showing increased popularity as a viable dosage form for treating local airway diseases and offers additional potential for systemic drug delivery. Within this space there are a number of delivery approaches that can be undertaken. These include dry powder inhaled formulations (DPI) and pressurised metered Dose Inhalers (pMDIs). Each of these delivery … Read more

28th November 2019 – Selecting a Spray Dryer for Development Studies and Clinical Manufacture

News 28th November 2019 – Selecting a Spray Dryer for Development Studies and Clinical Manufacture When customers initiate discussions with Upperton, one of the first questions we are asked is “which spray dryer(s) do you have and how much material can they produce?” Whilst these are very pertinent questions, the answer is not a simple … Read more

19th November 2019 – API Challenges in early stage formulation development, part 2

News 19th November 2019 – API Challenges during early formulation development, Part 2 There are many challenges that face companies taking a NCE into early stage feasibility testing and beyond. Some of these challenges are specific to the physical and chemical properties of the molecule in question (e.g. hard to handle API) whilst other challenges … Read more

2nd October 2019 – API Challenges in Early Stage Formulation Development, Part 1

News 2nd October 2019 – API Challenges in Early Stage Formulation Development, Part 1 There are many challenges that face companies taking an NCE into early stage feasibility testing and beyond. Some of these challenges are specific to the physical and chemical properties of the molecule in question whilst other challenges are related to the … Read more

Developing Oral Dosage Forms for Clinical Trials

Producing a spray dried powder is rarely the end of developing oral dosage form pathway. Further processing is usually required in order to create a oral dosage form that can be administered in First-in-Human (FIH) or Proof of Concept (POC) clinical studies. The selection of a dosage form will involve a number of factors, for … Read more

5th March 2019 – Analytical Techniques for Biotherapeutics

News 5th March 2019 – Analytical Techniques for Biotherapeutics Analysing Biotherapeutic Formulations There is growing interest in the use of spray drying to create biotherapeutic dry powder formulations. Spray drying is becoming increasingly viewed as a more cost-effective method for enhancing the stability of thermo-sensitive molecules (such as proteins, peptides, monoclonal antibodies and vaccines). A key … Read more

19th February 2019 – Biotherapeutic Formulation Development

News 19th February 2019 – Biotherapeutic Formulation Development Spray Drying Biotherapeutics Dry powder formulations of Biotherapeutics eliminate the need for expensive cold chain storage and facilitate supply chain management. Lyophilisation is traditionally used for the drying process, but in recent years the semi-continuous, robust and scalable qualities of spray drying have made it the drying … Read more

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