What’s New In 2023: ExcitingPlans For Upperton Pharma Solutions

January 31st 2023 : Newsletter

The New Year is always a time for looking ahead and 2023 will no doubt turn out to be a pivotal year in the Upperton Pharma Solutions growth story.

In this Newsletter we will be previewing some of the exciting new plans that we have in store for ourselves and our customers during the coming twelve months!

Building Work Starts at Upperton’s new development and commercial manufacturing facility

The biggest story of this year (and indeed in the company’s history) will be the move to our new site at Trent Gateway. Design work on the new, 50,000 square foot development and manufacturing facility has been completed and building is already underway with ground being broken in early January. You can read all about the progress and timelines in our recent press release here.

New People

In 2022 Upperton literally doubled its headcount to 65 members of staff and the growth in headcount continues unabated with continued recruitment planned for 2023. To hit the ground running at Trent Gateway a conscious decision has been taken within the business to “fast Track” our recruitment and by the end of January 2023 we have been joined by no fewer than 11 new recruits over the last two months.

Recruitment has occurred across all our departments at all levels and whilst we warmly welcome all our recruits, we are especially pleased to announce the arrival of our new Business Development Director, Dr Ivan Langan, who joined us in early January. Ivan is our first recruit into our new Business Development team, and we expect he is going to be very busy over the coming quarters!

New Equipment and Processes

Upperton has a long history in expanding its range of development and manufacturing capabilities. Continued investment in the new equipment and capabilities looks like it will not only continue but will accelerate in the coming year as Trent gateway is equipped and made ready for action. At the core of our investment will be our new commercial scale tablet and capsule manufacturing suite that will expand our oral solid dosage batch size up to 250kg. There are other investments also being made in our plant and laboratories and we look forward to sharing these with you in the coming months.

Conferences and Exhibitions

We already have a busy schedule of exhibitions and conferences planned for 2023 and we look forward to more face-to-face meetings with new and existing customers as the world continues to open up post-pandemic. To see what events, we have already planned look here. If you are attending any of these events, do not hesitate to contact us for a meeting to discuss your project needs or to simply say hello!

Social Activities

Our enthusiastic colleagues are always looking for new and worthwhile activities to join in and promote and already in 2023, we have a string of events lined up in our social calendar. Once again, we will be taking part in the Annual Charity Dragon Boat Race on the River Trent with an eye on the final this time around. Other charity events planned include entering teams in the Inflexion Triathlon, partaking in a rather muddy-looking Wolf Run and once again holding our hugely popular MacMillan Coffee Morning.

Let's Talk.

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To speak with a member of our team and talk about a project in more detail, set up a discovery call using the form opposite.

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